Smart processes and tech

Professional translation involves a lot more than just language skills. It takes smart processes, systems and tools to maximize efficiency and security.


A clear and standardized


Professional practices

Our teams are trained and well supervised. With their systematic approach, the client experience is seamless. You always know exactly where things stand.

Recognized certifications

From the very beginning, Idem has met the highest standards for professional language services. We have the certifications to prove it. Every two years, our processes are independently audited and verified by a reputable certification company.

Comprehensive policies

We have clear-cut policies on access to information, document management, employee evaluations, recruitment and more. They’re well documented and we take steps to make sure that all employees fully understand and abide by them.


Performance and


Computer-assisted translation

We’re proficient in the industry’s most powerful tools, from terminology databases and translation memories to neural machine translation engines. We use them securely and strategically to increase efficiency without ever sacrificing quality. Every translation is reviewed by one of our language professionals.

Client portal

Our fully customizable portal makes it easy to send and receive documents and keep track of all your requests. It meets the highest security standards while offering a simple, multifunctional interface.

Proprietary management system

Idem uses a proprietary management system that allows for personalized workflows so we can consistently achieve our goal of maintaining productivity and quality.

We’re here for you

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projects for us?